Saturday, July 30, 2011

More on the First Corps from Gettysburg

Today’s post features the 1st Corps, 1st Division, 2nd Brigade.  The Brigade consisted of the following regiments:  76th New York; 84th New York (also known as the 14th Brooklyn); 95th New York; 147th New York; and nine companies of the 56th Pennsylvania.

The 2nd Brigade  saw action July 1, 1863 along the Chambersburg Pike (US Rt 30), notably at the area of the railroad cut and along Oak Ridge.  After the Brigade assisted in the capture of a large portion of Iverson’s Brigade they retreated to Cemetery Hill and then were sent to Culp’s Hill, where the 7th Indiana joined back up with the brigade.

On Culp’s Hill, the 84th and 147th NY went to the aid of the 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, of the 12th Corps where they actively engaged Confederate troops on July 2nd, and on the morning of July 3rd the Brigade also repulsed a Confederate attack.  They remained there until the close of the battle.

With the exception of the 7th Indiana, all of the major monuments shown here are located along the railroad cut (or in close proximity to it).  The 7th Indiana’s monument is on Culp’s Hill.  Secondary monuments aren’t pictured in this post, maybe somewhere down the road I will do several posts on secondary monuments.
One additional thing to make note of, when I list the casualties below, a wounded soldier could die of his wounds weeks or months later and not be counted as battle killed.

Brigadier General Lysander Cutler

At Gettysburg, the 2nd Brigade served  under the leadership of Brigadier General 

Lysander Cutler.  Cutler was originally commissioned in July 1861 as Colonel of the 6th Wisconsin (of Iron 
Brigade Fame, see previous posts).  

He was wounded in the thigh at the Battle of Brawner's Farm which caused him to miss the Battle of Antietam.  Following the First Battle of Fredericksburg where Cutler distinguished himself, he was promoted to Brigadier General, eventually leading to appointment as 2nd Brigade Commander (1st Division, 1st Corps). 

 In 1864 Cutler suffered a severe wound at The Battle of Globe Tavern when he was struck in the face by a shell fragment.  Although he was brevetted to the rank of Major General, he was an invalid for the remainder of the war.  Cutler died of a stroke in July 1866. 

Brigadier General Lysander Cutler

76th New York

  With 375 men engaged in battle they suffered 32 killed, 132 wounded and 70 missing.  They were organized in January 1862 at Courtland and Albany New York and served until January 1865 when their remaining veterans were absorbed into the 147th NY.  This monument was dedicated July 1, 1888 on the 25th anniversary of the battle.  There are secondary unit markers for the 76th NY located on the summit of Culp's Hill where they were located on July 2nd and 3rd.  

76th New York Monument, located on Reynold's Avenue.

84th New York (14th Brooklyn Militia)

The 84th New York (also known as the 14th Brooklyn Militia) entered the battle with 356 men and suffered 13 killed, 105 wounded and 99 missing.  Raised in King’s County New York in May 1861, they served until June 6, 1864.  Their monument was dedicated October 19, 1887.  They have two secondary markers indicating their positions:  one on McPherson's Ridge indicating the position they held on the morning on July 1 prior to advancing on Davis' Brigade at the railroad cut; The second is on Culp's Hill where they engaged Johnson's Division (of Ewell's Corps) on July 2 (and where they remained on July 3).

84th NY (14th Brooklyn Militia) Monument.  Located on Reynolds Avenue (McPherson Barn in background)

95th New York

The 95th New York entered the battle with 261 men, and suffered 7 killed, 62 wounded and 46 missing.  They were organized at New York City and the counties of Rockland, Schoharie, and Westchester New York and served through July 16, 1865.  They were present for Lee’s Surrender and the Grand Review.  The monument was dedicated July 1, 1893 (the 30th anniversary of the battle), and it was moved in 1960 due to the bridge that was built over the railroad cut.
They have 4 secondary markers on the battlefield indicating various locations they held.  The first 3 represent locations held on July 1 and are located in the following areas:  The Railroad Woods, showing position held @ 10am on July 1; Wadsworth Avenue on Oak Ridge showing position held @ noon on July 1; Chambersburg Pike at Confederate Avenue showing position held @ 4pm on July 1.  The final secondary monument is on the summit of Culp's Hill showing position held on July 2 and July 3, 1863.

95th New York Monument (Railroad Cut in background)

147th New York
The 147th NY has a secondary unit marker on Culp’s Hill.  This memorial was dedicated on July 1,  1888, the 25th anniversary of the battle.  They had 430 men engaged in the battle and suffered 60 killed, 144 wounded, 92 missing.  Organized at Oswego, New York in September 1862, they served until June 1865 and were present at both Lee’s Surrender and the Grand Review.
147th New York Monument.  Located on Reynolds Avenue by the Railroad Cut.

56th Pennsylvania

The 56th Pennsylvania entered the battle with 252 men in 9 companies, and suffered 14 killed, 61 wounded and 55 missing.  They were organized in the Pennsylvania counties of Centre, Luzerene, Susquehanna, Indiana, and the city of Philadelphia.  They served with the Army of the Potomac through July 1865, and were present for both Lee’s Surrender and the Grand Review.  While they also served on Culp's Hill, there are no secondary markers for this unit.  Their monument was dedicated on September 11th 1889 at a cost of $1500.
56th Pennsylvania Monument.  Located on Reynold's Avenue by the Cut Bridge.

7th Indiana

The 7th Indiana missed most of the action on July 1st as they were detached from the brigade in Emmitsburg by Maj Gen Reynolds for a guard detail.  They rejoined the 2nd Brigade late afternoon / early evening on the 1st.  This monument is on the summit of Culp’s Hill where they were in position until July 5th 1863.  They were organized in Dearborn, Decatur, Johnson, Hendricks, Marion and Ohio counties, Indiana in September 1861 and served until September 23, 1864 when the remaining members of the regiment were absorbed into the 19th Indiana Infantry of Iron Brigade fame.  They entered the battle with 431 men and suffered 2 killed, 5 wounded and 3 missing.  Their monument was dedicated on October 28, 1885.

Night shot of the 7th Indiana Monument on Culp's Hill.

I hope you found this informative.  My plan is to continue every couple weeks with new posts on another brigade (1st Corps through 12th), and I will occasionally pepper the site with additional Civil War tidbits that I think may be interesting.  As always, feel free to comment, I will reply to all.

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